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    "request": "\/fileops\/copy",
    "error_code": "404",
    "error": "40401: File or folder not found at the specified path"
错误码 错误信息 详细描述
40001 Bad request. 错误的请求.
40002 Bad input parameter. Please use valid value for path. 路径错误.
40003 Source invalid, such as invalid name from source file. 源无效, 如无效的源文件名.
40101 Invalid token. 令牌无效.
40102 Token validation failed. 令牌验证失败.
40103 Internal authentication failed. 内部验证失败.
40301 Forbidden. You are not permitted to access this root. 禁止访问. 没有足够的访问权限.
40302 There is already a file or folder at the given destination. 在指定的路径已存在同名目录或文件.
40303 An invalid operation was attempted (e.g. there is already a file at the given destination, or copying or moving a folder to its own subfolder). 操作无效(如: 把目录移动或复制到自己的子目录里).
40304 This operation is not allowed due to restriction policies. 由于管制政策,此操作不允许.
40305 You are not allowed to use this file. 您不允许操作此文件.
40306 Forbidden. The operation cannot be repeated. 此操作不可重复, 禁止操作.
40307 Forbidden. Event id is old. 事件ID已过期, 禁止操作.
40308 Another operation is in progress. You are not allowed to write data. 文件正被其他操作占用, 不允许对文件进行写操作.
40310 Multipart check md5 failed. 分片上传 MD5 检测失败.
40309 Multipart merger failed. 分片上传合并失败.
40312 This file or folder is not shared. 文件或目录没有被分享.
40313 Too many files or folders to share. 分享操作涉及到文件或目录过多.
40314 There is already a file at the given destination. 在指定的路径已存在同名文件.
40315 There is already a folder at the given destination. 在指定的路径已存在同名目录.
40317 User account is invalid. 用户账户无效.
40401 User not found. 用户不存在.
40402 Parent path does not exist. 上级目录不存在.
40403 No file or folder is found at the specified path. 指定的路径没有找到文件或目录.
40404 Revision does not exist. 版本信息不存在.
40405 Source file not found. 无法找到相关文件.
40406 Reference file not found or invalid reference string. 分享不存在,引用的文件不存在或引用字符串无效.
40409 File digest not matched. 文件摘要信息不匹配.
40407 Transcoded stream not available. 没有可用的文件流.
40410 Category not found. 分类不存在.
40411 Online Read is not available. 没有可用的在线阅读.
40412 Page not found. 没有此页.
40601 Maximum number of folders within one folder exceeded. 该目录中目录数已达上限.
40602 Maximum number of files within one folder exceeded. 该目录中文件数已达上限.
40603 Too many files or folders would be involved in the operation for it to complete successfully. 选中的文件或目录过多, 操作失败.
40604 Only a file is supported on this operation. 本操作仅针对单个文件.
40605 Only a folder is supported on this operation. 本操作仅针对单个目录.
40606 Maximum number of items within one folder exceeded. 该目录中成员数已达上限.
40608 Maximum size of file allowed to be uploaded exceeded. 文件过大, 无法上传.
40610 Only share folder can be listed. 只有分享的目录可以列出.
40609 The specified output format is not supported for the input file. 该文件不支持所选的输出格式.
40611 The specified resource has no content. 指定的资源没有内容.
40612 Your app is making too many requests and is being rate limited. Limits are based on a per-ip, per-app or per-user basis. 应用请求过多被限制访问,请求次数基于每IP、每应用或每用户统计.
40613 Operation on root is forbidden. 不能操作根目录.
40614 No record of actionable. 没有可操作的记录.
40615 The input format is not supported for this operation. 输入格式不支持此操作.
40616 The revision is outdated. 版本信息已过时.
40617 File or Folder is already shared. 文件或目录已分享.
40618 Maximum sizes of all files or maximum number of files or folders exceeded. 文件或目录总体积已达上限.
40619 File or Folder is not shared. 文件或目录未分享.
41501 Maximum size of file allowed to be thumbnail exceeded. 文件过大, 无法显示缩略图.
50001 System error. 系统错误.
50401 Connection to API server timed out. Authentication Failed. 请求API验证接口失败.
50402 Connection to API server timed out. Writeback Failed. 请求API回调接口失败.
50701 User is over storage quota. 用户空间已满.
50002 File is not uploaded successfully. 文件上传失败.
50003 File not stored. 文件未保存.
50004 File upload interrupted. 文件上传中断.
50403 Dependent service failed. 依赖服务调用失败.